Evexia Therapies

Evexia Therapies is an Allied Health Clinic that provides Occupational Therapy and Exercise Physiology Services. Our goal at Evexia Therapies is to offer all community members experiencing disability, injury, illness or chronic disease high quality care and treatment to increase their quality of life. Our Occupational Therapists & Exercise Physiologists are here to help clients improve their wellbeing through movement and social support. Our Therapists have a special interest and extensive experience working with veterans and persons living with a disability. Evexia Therapies is a specialised functional fitness facility with floor space adaptive to every individual including persons living with a disability. Our 300m2 rehabilitation space is utilised for Allied Health Fitness including over 50's functional fitness classes (Falls Prevention), 1:1 or Group Disability Fitness and personalised Veteran  programs for mental and physical wellbeing.